
‏760 SAR

Are you an entrepreneur or fashion designer and would you like to start manufacturing your designs in foreign or local factories? Production and Manufacturing Workshop Your step-by-step guide to producing your own design kit

15 سبتمبر 2024
the hour 7:00 PM
for women only
Attendance in Riyadh
Bring a laptop or iPad
From 7 to 10 pm for two days, Sunday 09-15-2024 and Monday 09-16-2024
Course Trainer

نادي الأزياء


Production and manufacturing workshop axes: :

- Manufacturing stages

- Communication with factories

- Tips for finding the right fashion factory for you

- Samples, their types and importance

- Production files in detail

- Negotiating with factories

- Papers and licenses necessary for manufacturing and importing

-Pros and cons of dealing with factories

-Production process schedule

Course requirements

  • Bring a laptop or iPad

What will you learn?

  • How to order products from some sites such as Alibaba and others.< /span>

    How do you choose the right factory for you, and how do you communicate with factories, whether outside Saudi Arabia? Or within it, and what are the requirements from customs authorities to complete the import process from outside Saudi Arabia.

The trainer

Arwa Al-Saheem

  1. Trainer and fashion designer for several Saudi brands, with experience in the field of manufacturing and importing clothing.